Dev Report: 1st Anniversary Edition


It's been a year since I released the first version of 'Welcome to the Friendship Club!' Doesn't feel that long, but time flies when you're having fun! (Or just, you know, when you're old.)

It's cool I get to create this, and it's super cool that people play it. Some even like it! And that was not guaranteed!

It's a fun experience, and seeing people want more of something I created by myself is neat.
What can I say, as long as I don't get struck down by god, we'll see each other here in another year's time!

For I have plans! Oh yes, plans you wouldn't believe!

With more Friendship than ever before! 

More girls with obvious visual designs! 

More Jin frowns!  More Raunchy Scenes!

More Pulitzer* level writing! More references to outdated culture!  

More Koikatsu Crashes! More Drama! 

More Iris Puzzles! More Choices!

More Vagueness! More Not Vagueness!

More Boobs! More Mores! 

And equally as many dyslexic spellings!

Let's just hope that my computer doesn't explode in a month's time like it did last year. That was....not good.

And remember, the real Friendship Club are the friends we made along the way.

In other related news.

The V0.7p2 Update for Friendship Club will be out 5th of October.

I'll see you there!

~ ZorniteB

Get Welcome to The Friendship Club!

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